Just in case you weren’t sick of seeing the inevitable and dreaded ‘Game Over’ screen, here are a few as a kind reminder
Source: dibujoanimado
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
Just in case you weren’t sick of seeing the inevitable and dreaded ‘Game Over’ screen, here are a few as a kind reminder
Source: dibujoanimado
Playing video games these days is not quite like it used to be. As funny as this meme may be, it is still the current trend in modern gaming.
The gulf between old school and current generation gaming has never been greater.
Source: cheezburger
There is no better way to start (or end) the working day than with some Mario (meme) shenanigans. Since it still is MAR10 Day somewhere on the planet, we thought, life is too serious, let’s have a laugh together!
You are in big trouble now, Mario!
Size does not matter
The irony of the hipster Mario
Mario, the cosplay pioneer!
The collective say, “Awwwwww, how cute!”
The football player that made his name and fortune from the game and many endorsements (including some video games) is finally hanging up the golden boots. To you Mr David ‘Becks’ Beckham, we say thank you.
Sifting through a mountain of video gaming sites, I came across this topical comic which I had to share. I am sure most of us (old school) gamers can relate.
It is always exciting introducing a new regular feature on ausretrogamer.com. ‘Best Of The Web’ will inject regular humour by bringing you the latest funny memes and obscure video gaming related ideas and bizarre paraphernalia.
Let’s get this show on the road!
Real life gameplay is terrible
Sonic working at the Sonic Fast food restaurant
SMES (SourceMod Entertainment System) – Super Mareo Bruhs
source: skwumpy
The Star Wars – D-Tech Me Experience: $99 Personalised Stormtrooper 3D Prints
If you weren’t sick of seeing the inevitable ‘Game Over’ screen, here is a kind reminder of a few:
Source: dibujoanimado
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