Who would have thought that by 2013, the big video game hardware developers would be Sony and Microsoft ! I am aware Nintendo is still around, but they have morphed into a company I don’t recognise anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I will always love Nintendo, but the affinity is not the same as it was with their products from the 80’s and 90’s.
Alas, who would have also thought that in this day and age we would constantly be downloading content instead of just whacking in a tape, floppy disk or cartridge to play our games.
I am being overly nostalgic in my views, and yes, I know that times are a changing and I should keep up with these changes. Luckily, I can play both modern games and more often than not, my old retro games. There is something intrinsic about playing video games from the golden era. I have an intimate relationship with these games, and after all these years, they don’t let me down, nor do they require patching with the latest content or bug fix. The games back then were complete before they were shipped.
I do wonder, which video gaming companies will be dominant in 20 years ? Will it still be Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, or will new companies spring up between now and then ? Who knows, that is the beauty of the future – you can only speculate on the unknown. I am secretly hoping that the old guard throws their hat in the ring and we get video gaming hardware (again) from the likes of Sega, Atari, Commodore and even NEC. Imagine that!