Fury Fingers are back, and this time they’ve brought a friend – none other than Tripod!
The Fury guys have made an hilarious video for Tripod’s (equally hilarious) song ‘Head of Zombie (Body of Hottie)’ to promote their performance of ‘This Gaming Life‘ at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival.
Video source: Fury Fingers on YouTube
Check out these awesome behind the scenes photos by Steamkittens.

Daisy Fryer as the Zombie
Zalaria Cosplay as the Witch
Behind the scenes
Keep up-to-date with Fury Fingers’ videos on YouTube and Facebook.
Ms. ausretrogamer
Co-founder, editor and writer at ausretrogamer – The Australian Retro Gamer E-Zine. Lover of science fiction, fashion, books, movies and TV. Player of games, old and new.
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