If you are a regular viewer of Channel Eleven’s morning cartoon variety show Toasted TV, you will know that they have an awesome weekly retro gaming segment called ‘Flashback Friday – Retro Games Edition‘.
While kicking back in our pyjamas watching Toasted TV on Good Friday, we spotted the multi-talented retro gamer and our very good friend, Cameron Davis (aka: Gazunta) make a special guest appearance on our fave segment. Cam was rewinding time to 1999 to show-off Sega’s last console, the Dreamcast! With the VMUs (Virtual Memory Unit) tucked inside the controllers, the action got quite heated between Cam, Jono and Ollie on Sonic Adventure 2!
We got so excited watching Cam on TV, we grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and asked him about his new found fame and also for his autograph. But before you read on, check out the Flashback Friday Retro Games Edition segment now!
AUSRETROGAMER [ARG]: So Cam, how did you get involved with Toasted TV?
Cameron Davis [CD]: Toasted TV is filmed up here in Brisbane, and the show’s producer put a call out for people who still had working Nintendo 64 systems and some games for their weekly ‘Flashback Friday’ segment. Of course, I had two N64s still in perfect condition and a pretty nice library of the best games. So I shot them an email to give them some background on who I was and what kind of retrogaming experience I had, and they were interested in me coming on to show off some N64 and Dreamcast classics!
ARG: How are the topics for ‘Flashback Friday Retro Games Edition’ chosen?
CD: We started spitballing some ideas for games to feature, and we both settled on the following guidelines: they had to be age-appropriate for the show (so that ruled out Goldeneye pretty quickly!), preferably multiplayer to give both the hosts something to do, and most importantly, be a great demonstration of what great retrogaming is about! For example, even though Sonic Adventure may not be the BEST Dreamcast game, Sonic is a familiar character to the show’s audience and the opening sequence just can’t be beat! It also gave an opportunity to show off one of the Dreamcast’s unique features – the removable VMU that can be operated like a simple LCD games machine, quite a revolutionary idea!
ARG: And lastly, how long does it take to prepare and shoot the segment?
CD: Even though the segments are only about three minutes long, each one took about thirty minutes to make. Every time there’s a cut or a different shot, the crew would need to plan out how each segment would look and what would happen. It’s fascinating to see them work so hard to get the show made – they’re total professionals! I spent a day or two beforehand cleaning all my old games for the show (some of those N64 controllers gather dust like crazy!) and re-learning the games so I wouldn’t look like a total n00b in front of a national audience!
Whoa! Cam has totally blown us away, and we reckon he nailed the segment! Looking forward to seeing more of Cam on TV (and in real life!). Oh yeah, we will pin down Mr. Davis to the ausretrogamer interview hot seat in the near future to chat about his start in gaming, the work he has done in the gaming industry and of course, his current projects including his awesome Blow The Cartridge and Rose comics – so stay tuned!
The action gets toasty on the Dreamcast!
source: Toasted TV – Channel Eleven (tenplay)