It’s been a bumper Pinball Expo 2023 with new pinball machines being released, left, right and centre! Not to be outdone, the world’s second largest pinball manufacturer, Jersey Jack Pinball has unleashed their latest machine at Pinball Expo, Elton John Pinball!
Designed by The Master Of Flow, Steve Ritchie, Elton John Pinball features hand-drawn artwork packages from artists Christopher Franchi, John Youssi and Jean-Paul De Win. The machine’s rules and software design were done by industry veteran Bill Grupp.
source: Jersey Jack Pinball
This new JJP game will truly be music to your ears, with 16 Elton John studio master tracks with custom voice callouts by Elton John himself. Elton John Pinball will come in two models, a Platinum and Collector’s Edition, both consisting of feature packed playfields, including an interactive Elton John toy, a rocket sculpture with LED flames, a Tiny Dancer motorized toy, a Crocodile Rock physical lock toy, a grand piano three-ball lock with diverter, a micro LED piano marquee, 14 multi-LED star inserts, Rocka-Box three-bank drop targets, three multi-LED Bennie and the Jets bumpers, two rapid spinner targets, and much much more!
We must admit, Elton John didn’t really appeal to us (as a theme), but after seeing what JJP have produced, we reckon they are on a winner!
- Platinum Edition US$12,000
- Collector’s Edition US$15,000
NOTE: No Australian pricing available at the time of publication.
Collector’s Edition

Platinum Edition

image source: Jersey Jack Pinball