In case you miss the news in October, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft animated series is coming soon to Netflix!
We must admit, it does look good, and seldom do Netflix miss the mark. Can’t wait for this one.
source: Netflix
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
In case you miss the news in October, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft animated series is coming soon to Netflix!
We must admit, it does look good, and seldom do Netflix miss the mark. Can’t wait for this one.
source: Netflix
As reported exclusively in The Hollywood Reporter;
the retail giant and streamer has teamed with Dmitri M. Johnson’s dj2 Entertainment for a massive rights deal to make a Tomb Raider feature film, in addition to the newly announced TV series from Phoebe Waller-Bridge and at least one video game in the Lara Croft franchise.
Fusing all three elements of Tomb Raider across film, TV and video games is a smart business decision in creating a huge franchise which will hit the mark with millions across the globe. This is very cool news for Tomb Raider/Lara Croft fans (like Ms. ausretrogamer)!
We’ll keep across this news and report when we find out more.
[story source: The Hollywood Reporter / image source: Crystal Dynamics]
By: D.C. Cutler, U.S.A.
It is rare that the tenth instalment of a video game is the best of the franchise. 2013’s Tomb Raider, an action-adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics, was a reboot that reconstructed the origins of Lara Croft. The Warner Bros. Pictures film, coming out in March, starring Alicia Vikander, looks very similar to the classic ’13 Raider.
I liked the gritty, dark turn the ’13 Raider took. The violence was slightly outrageous, but it definitely pleased the fans of the franchise. It was time for a reboot and Crystal Dynamics and the publisher, Square Enix, knew it. It was vastly different from all of the prior Tomb Raider games and it was grounded by Lara Croft’s origin story. I think it’s one of the best games of the decade…so far.
The new Tomb Raider film’s trailer has the same colour pallet as the ’13 game. It looks like the film’s director, Roar Uthaug, has pulled various scenes directly from the hit game. The game centred on Croft’s survival and exploring an island and its various tombs. That’s what the film appears to centre on as well.
image source: The Nerd Mag
Academy Award winner Alicia Vikander looks just like the ’13 Croft; it’s indistinguishable. She’s an excellent actress; just watch Ex Machina or The Danish Girl. It’ll be interesting to see if Vikander can pull off such an iconic action character in a film that could be a tent-pole film for Warner Bros. She has the physicality and dramatic chops to bring a truly captivating Croft to the big screen.
I hope Vikander’s Croft is as cold blooded as the’13 game version. The gritty compositions, and some of the tilted camera angles in the trailer, mirror the imagery from the game. It’s just a teaser trailer, but I like what I see. The costume design is also on point, which is important for a property that has such a large following.
We have to wait until March to see if Tomb Raider will be that one great film based on a video game. From the teaser, and being an aficionado of the ’13 game, I’m anticipating Raider almost as much as Disney’s Solo: A Star Wars Story and Avengers: Infinity War.
Assassin’s Creed and Warcraft had good trailers too. I turned Assassin’s Creed off fifteen minutes in.
It’s astonishing that a film studio still hasn’t cracked the code on making an exceptional movie based on a video game franchise.
Tomb Raider has to be rated R to truly be like the ’13 game. Will it be as bold with its violence and death scenes as the iconic game? I bet it’ll be a safe PG-13 for box office reasons.
You already know we love Fury Fingers Films’ work, and now we have one more reason to love them because they’re back with another amazing video game parody film – this time they have set their sights on Rise of the Tomb Raider. In ‘Boom Raider’ watch Lara (played by the very talented ShiveeeJam) work hard to find just the right shot to make that red barrel go ‘BOOM!’.
Video source: Fury Fingers Films on YouTube
Photographer Steamkittens visited the two day shoot to take some behind the scenes and still shots – they are simply gorgeous. Here are just a few, visit their album on Facebook for the whole set.
Be sure to subscribe to the Fury Fingers YouTube channel, like their Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter. Also like / follow ShiveeeJam (Facebook & Instagram) and Steamkittens (Facebook & Instagram).
Source: Fury Fingers Films on YouTube
All images: Steamkittens
Ms. ausretrogamer
Co-founder, editor and writer at ausretrogamer – The Australian Retro Gamer E-Zine. Lover of science fiction, fashion, books, movies and TV. Player of games, old and new.
Follow Ms. ausretrogamer on Twitter
Tomb Raider is one of my all-time favourite games, and ‘The Lost Valley’ is one of my favourite levels – and I must not be alone, as Janet Van D has built a model of the level out of LEGO. 18,000+ pieces of LEGO in fact! The model took her four months to build and was completed in June 2014. It was displayed at Brick2014 in London.
Watch The Brick Show take us on a video tour of Janet’s awesome work of brick art.
Source: The Brick Show on YouTube
Here are some beautiful still shots for your visual pleasure.
Overview – Dinosaurs!
Broken Bridge – Medipack
Broken Bridge
Large Waterfall
Secret Passage!
Valley Floor
Lara Minifig
Finally, watch this walkthough of the original ‘The Lost Valley’ if you want to refresh your memory.
Source: Richard Halloran on YouTube
Source: Janet Van D on Deviant Art, The Brick Show on YouTube, Richard Halloran on YouTube
Ms. ausretrogamer
Editor and Researcher at ausretrogamer – The Australian Retro Gamer E-Zine. Lover of science fiction, fashion, books, movies and TV. Player of games, old and new.
Follow Ms. ausretrogamer on Twitter
I had always wanted to make my own cosplay costume. I was inspired by all the awesome cosplay I saw at PAX AUS last year. To prepare for PAX AUS 2014 I dusted off my sewing machine and hot glue gun and embarked on a DIY cosplay adventure!
I did not have to think hard to choose the subject for my creation – I adore the Tomb Raider series, so Lara’s pistols and holsters were the obvious choice.
Here is how I did it:
First I found the pistols – it took a bit of searching, but I eventually found some on Amazon.
Next I got some black leather-look vinyl, strapping and clips for the holsters from Spotlight – the sales assistant asked me what I was making, and I initially said shyly ‘just a costume’ but when I realised how suspicious that sounded I explained it was for holsters!
To make the holsters:
Then I attached the holsters to the belt (the belt was just $4.25 – thanks Salvos)
Finally make the thigh straps (with clips to allow for bio breaks!).
To complete my outfit I got some leather fingerless gloves from eBay.
And here is the finished product – now I’m ready for PAX AUS 2014. Don’t forget to stop by to say hello to the ausretrogamer team and play a game or two (or three) in the classic console area!
Tomb Raider image source: TombRaiders.Net
Ms. ausretrogamer
Editor and Researcher at ausretrogamer – The Australian Retro Gamer E-Zine. Lover of science fiction, fashion, books, movies and TV. Player of games, old and new.
Follow Ms. ausretrogamer on Twitter
Every gamer knows that the mushroom power-up is only for Mario and his bro, Luigi to use. If the power up falls in the wrong hands, it may spell doom for the video gaming universe. Watch what happens when other popular video gaming characters (Lara Croft, Master Chief, and Assassin Connor) attempt to steal Mario’s treasured power-ups! I shudder at the thought!
source: CorridorDigital
Would you like to download additional deaths of Lara Croft? You do? What are you, a sadist? If you want to sample the kinds of ‘deaths’ you can download for Lara, check out this video.
WARNING: Not for the squeamish!
source: Animation Domination High-Def
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