We made a promise that we would stop posting Kickstarter campaigns, but for this particular one, we made an exception. Oh, if you want to blame anyone, blame Alex Kidman, he got us onto this one!
If you are like us and have been living in a cave lately (lockdown will do that to you), you may not have known that there is an awesome Kickstarter for a new Masters Of The Universe – Clash of Eternia board game! Consider yourself informed!
This Kickstarter is quite straight forward with two different pledge rewards, the US$110 Master of The Universe pledge or the US$220 Defender of Grayskull pledge. The Kickstarter has smashed through a number of stretch goals, so you will be assured that you get all the Kickstarter exclusive bonuses, like additional models, tokens and cards! If you are MOTU fans, you may need this board game in your life!
PS: Now someone please make a MOTU themed pinball machine
source: Kickstarter and CMON