Sega does what Nintendon’t? Actually, Nintendo have already done the whole ‘cross’ pollination with iconic streetwear brands (like the one with Vans). Sega have also done the same with their famous blue mascot when they crossed him with Puma. Well, now it is Sega’s 16-bit classic console, the Mega Drive, that gets the streetwear treatment with the new Lavair X Mega Drive range!
We must admit, we had never heard of Lavair till today (perhaps we are showing our age!), so at least we have learned something new! So here they are, the Lavair X Mega Drive runners (or sneakers if that is your preference), which we reckon capture the colours perfectly of Sega’s flagship Japanese Mega Drive with the Analog runner and the Mono runner which capture the PAL Mega Drive. If you are more into baseball hats, then you are in luck, as they have the Analog and Mono hats for you to choose from too. The Lavair x Mega Drive is a limited-edition themed collaboration, so we expect these products to go quite quickly, just like Sonic, boom!
image source: Sega and Lavair