So what does one do when they are on annual leave and have some spare time? Well, if you are like us, you may want to build those sets (Lego or otherwise) that have been piling up for the last few years.
Instead of building the Lego Helmet that has been quietly gathering dust since May 2023, we thought we’d get onto building the 482 piece ROKR 3D Wooden Pinball Game!
We’ll admit that this wasn’t a simple and straight forward build, which ended up taking a number of days to complete. Building this wooden pinball machine took a lot of patience, as there were a number of critical pieces that were either delicate or a tight squeeze – luckily for us, ROKR includes extra pieces for those of us that don’t know our own strength.
The end result has totally blown us away, as this is a brilliant;y playable mini pinball machine! The electronic sensors work well, as do the mechanical flippers. The only regret we have is to not have painted some cool art or added colour to the pieces before putting it all together.
If you are after an awesome project that will yield you an awesome little pinball machine, then the ROKR 3D Wooden Pinball Puzzle Game is highly recommended!
Here we go – it did feel a tad overwhelming when unpacking all the bits and pieces!
Let the building begin……..
Almost done!!!!!!!!!
We have POWER!!
Time to have some fun, *cough* we mean play-testing by Lil ausretrogamer!
Let there be light! No clown puke RGB lighting here