It may have closed a long, long time ago in our current galaxy, but the Star Wars: The Magic of Myth museum still lives on in cyberspace!
Thanks to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM), the Star Wars: The Magic of Myth exhibition has been saved for posterity via an online tour as it was originally displayed at the NASM. Just think about this, the Star Wars: The Magic of Myth was on display at the National Air and Space Museum from October 31, 1997 to January 31, 1999 – that was a long time ago indeed and before the prequels started!
Speaking of Star Wars exhibitions, Ms. ausretrogamer and I were lucky to visit the Star Wars Costumes exhibition at the EMP Museum (now called MoPOP) in Seattle back in 2015, which we will publish our photos from that exhibition in a future post – so keep an eye out for it!