Oh wow, the cheesiness of this long-form 1990 Microsoft Excel commercial is absolutely dripping!
The cringe factor is off the charts too. It’s like a slow-moving train-wreck, you can’t keep your eyes off it!
source: Wall Street Oasis
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
Oh wow, the cheesiness of this long-form 1990 Microsoft Excel commercial is absolutely dripping!
The cringe factor is off the charts too. It’s like a slow-moving train-wreck, you can’t keep your eyes off it!
source: Wall Street Oasis
This is so awesome to see – Chuckie Egg can now be played on the VIC20! Oh yeah, it can also be played on the TheC64/TheVIC20 or your fave VIC20 emulator. So those ZX Speccy, BBC Micro and Dragon 32 folks can stop gloating, us Commdore gamers can now play this classic game too! Big shout out to Reset64 Magazine and Derek for keeping us gamers entertained with brilliant (and quite nostalgic) video games!
For more information on (and instructions on how to play) Chuckie Egg (VIC20), and to download the game, go to the Reset64 Magazine itch.io page now! What are you waiting for, Hen-House Harry needs your help!!!
image source: Reset64 Magazine itch.io
There are some images that need to be shared for their informative awesomeness, and this NEO•GEO games infographic is one that definitely fits that bill.
Created and shared by Ange Albertini of the Corkami Reverse Engineering and Visual Documentation github repository, this image speaks to us loud and clear! We love the fact that in one image, we can see the timeline of all the games that were released for SNK’s mighty NEO GEO.
To get a sense of this amazing graphic creation, please click on the image below to see it in its native resolution!
Nintendo Ball holds a dear place in our heart as it was their very first (Silver) Game & Watch product, released on this day [April 28] in 1980! This was the game that kicked off the iconic electronic handheld series.
Being the company’s first Game & Watch title, Ball is celebrated among the gaming community and within Nintendo itself, as evident from their many re-releases and remakes.
In case you never played Ball, the user controls a character who must juggle a few balls at once, ensuring that none of them are dropped. The control to keep juggling the ball is pretty straight forward – by pressing the left and right face button. It is this simplicity that made Nintendo’s Game & Watch series so memorable with its fans.
Do you have still have your Game & Watch(es)? Which one(s) is/are your fave?
source: Wikimedia Commons
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