If you thought the 8-bit rendition of Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’ was cool, wait till you hear jeonghoon95’s arrangement of the song using Mario Paint Composer! Let your ears enjoy the tune.
source: jeonghoon95
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
If you thought the 8-bit rendition of Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’ was cool, wait till you hear jeonghoon95’s arrangement of the song using Mario Paint Composer! Let your ears enjoy the tune.
source: jeonghoon95
On the back of Guizdp’s awesome Duck Hunt + Mega Man 2 amalgamation comes the heavyweight mashup; Super Mario Bros. 3 + Contra! There is something endearing seeing Mario blasting away with a gun.
source: guizdp
This is exactly how Super Mario Bros. would be played in real life!
source: Warialasky
Can you believe that Mike Tyson had not played his name sake video game, Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! till only a few days ago? Here he is playing it for the first time, almost 26 years after it was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
By now you are all quite aware of my aversion to adventure and role-playing-games (RPGs). There is one game in this genre that I wish I could “get into”, but I never could – The Legend of Zelda. I own quite a few ‘Zelda’ titles, but playing them is all together another matter. Even though I am not a fan of the game, I do respect the franchise. With that said, this Game Trailers Legend of Zelda: Retrospective video is compelling viewing, even for the non-Zelda fan.
Sit back, relax and press play!
I had the best surprise from my nine-year-old nephew – he recited the Super Mario Bros. tune one-handed on his piano! I was proud as punch and blown away when he told me that he had only been practising that morning. Being a shy kid, I promised him that I would only film his hands during the recital. It is great to see that the retro gaming baton is in great hands with our next generation.
source: ausretrogamer
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