How many video game titles can you spot in Avicii & Sebastien Drums’ My Feelings For You (Original Mix) – The Annual 2011 music video?
source: mySuperstar.TV
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
How many video game titles can you spot in Avicii & Sebastien Drums’ My Feelings For You (Original Mix) – The Annual 2011 music video?
source: mySuperstar.TV
Finally, we are privy to the conversation between Nintendo’s 3DS and Sony’s PS Vita. So what is the conversation about? Let’s just say that the poor little PS Vita is after some friendly advice from the 3DS. This may start a Nintendo vs Sony war!
source: The Warp Zone
Let’s face it, we all have our video game character crushes. Don’t even try to deny it! Some of us even have a list of virtual females we would love to date or have as girlfriends (Ed: Really? That is sad!).
The nerd playboy, Melvin (Michael Adams Davis from The Warp Zone), has taken time out of his busy schedule to put together a ‘Top 5 Video Game Girlfriends‘ list for us hot blooded gamers. No drooling allowed!
source: The Warp Zone
What do you get when you cross a Rubik’s Cube wiz that is also a Mega Man fan? Watch Kyudan’s video and find out.
Before anyone complains about the colour of 8-bit Mega Man, you should be aware that the standard Rubik’s Cube does not have the colour scheme to support two separate shades of blue on such a small scale.
source: Kyudan
Warning: the following video contains explicit content and language! Proceed with caution!
Right, with that warning out of the way, we can now click on play and watch Biting Elbows awesome official video for their track, ‘Bad Motherf**ker’. This video could have been inspired by ‘Mirror’s Edge’. Whatever the inspiration, we are glad Biting Elbows created this slick first-person chase video.
WARNING: Explicit lyrics! —- WARNING: Explicit content!
source: Biting Elbows
Wouldn’t it be fun to dress up as your favourite fighter and reenact their moves in a real life one-on-one fight? Well, these Neo Geo cosplay fans did just that. Check out their ‘The King Of Fighters 2001’ live action video.
Source: El Gamer Cosplayer
For my next haircut, I am visiting Ruben and Bobby’s hair salon in Denmark. Not only will I get a stylish haircut, but I can enjoy their shrine to retro gaming and vintage toys! Hit play and let the nostalgia wash over you.
Video Source: Copenhagers
Image Source: Ruben og Bobby
Being a Nintendo fan, I had to share this video. YouTube crew Retro Game Addict, has produced an awesome video depicting every Nintendo gaming system in chronological order – from Gunpei’s fabulous Game & Watch series through to the current generation Wii U console! The soundtrack is pretty funky too.
The talented Ukinojoe knows how to make engaging animated videos, especially ones where he takes the mickey. His “90’s Nick” video is no exception. This video pokes fun at the 90’s era, with a tinge of retro gaming nostalgia.
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