Wow, we still can’t believe that PAX AUS is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year!
It is also hard to believe that the Classic Gaming area, or Classic Consoles as it was known in the inaugural year, has been at PAX AUS since the beginning. From the Showgrounds in Ascot Vale in 2013, where it was bitterly cold, we were quite excited when PAX Aus was moved to its new and much bigger home in 2014, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. By moving PAX AUS from July to October, it also ensured that we would have better weather, but then again, this is Melbourne, so anything can happen, in any season!
We are indulging ourselves with nostalgia by reflecting on years gone by at PAX AUS – there has been countless awesome memories and meeting new and amazing people that we are proud to call our friends. Cheers to ten years!
We hope to see some (or all) of you at PAX AUS 2023!
slides created by: Aaron ‘Blahjedi’ Clement (Press Play On Tape podcast)